New! Yiwen Wang will have her PhD defense on 8 Feb. 2011 at the Technical University Eindhoven.

Natalia Stash gave a presentation/demonstration for IR course master students at the University of Amsterdam on October 6, 2008.

Fabian Bohnert visited CHIP and give presentation about his work at July 23-25.

Lora Aoryo and Yiwen Wang gave presentation/demonstration in the SIMIN day at June 6.

Lora Aoryo and Natalia Stash visited the ICITY project at 26-27 May in Turino, Italy.

Natalia Stash and Yiwen Wang gave demonstration at the CATCH day at 23 May in Central Museum Utrecht.

Lora Aroyo gave a presentation about CHIP at Jewish Museum Berlin at May 8.

ICT Delta day, Yiwen Wang gave a CHIP demonstration at May 8.

Lloyd Rutledge (Post-doc) left CHIP at Feb.15, 2008. Thanks for your work, Lloyd!

CHIP Gebruikerscommissie meeting will be held at Room A, Rijksmuseum on March 10, 2008.

CHIP demonstrator won the Bronze Award of the Semantic Web Challenge at ISWC'07!

Tu/e students Yuri Schuurmans and Rody Sambeek worked in CHIP and complete their Master's Thesis "Personalized Museum Tour on a Mobile Device", Octorber, 2007.

"M&W07 - Day two: Rjiksmuseum & CHIP" in Powerhouse Museum's "fresh + new" blog, April 13th, 2007.

"About the Semantic Web, Folksonomies & Users in Digital Cultural Heritage ? Bridging to the End-User Cultural Heritage Information Personalization" atStudienamiddag "Participatie in e-cultuur" in Brussels, March 27th, 2007.

"Navigating the Rijksmuseum" in Mikele Pasin?s Weblog, October 4th, 2006.

"CHIP Project ? Cultural Heritage Information Personalization" at the ACHE (Amsterdam Cultural Heritage Exchange) day, March 30th, 2006.

CHIP starts, May 1st, 2005.


